Deerhaven Powersports Staff

Our Team

Drew Wright

Sales Representative

Name Drew Wright

Title Sales Representative

Phone 613-962-5021 ext. 271
About Drew

Drew Wright our Polaris and Princecraft Sales Representative will help you find the right machine and accessories to meet your needs. Friendly and knowledgeable, he's a rider too. Whether you're playing in the dirt, going through the snow or going down the open road, stop into the store and have a look. You can reach him on his cell at 613-847-5024.

Nick Morton

Sales Representative

Name Nick Morton

Title Sales Representative

Phone 613-962-5021 ext. 267
About Nick

Nick Morton is one of our sales representatives for anything Polaris.  Whether you're looking for an off-road vehicle or sled, Nicks experience can help you choose the right model for your needs as well as choosing any accessories.  He can be contacted on his cell at 613-847-2044 or a

Monty Drouillard

Parts Specialist

Name Monty Drouillard

Title Parts Specialist

Phone 613-962-5021 ext. 350

Bill Rowe

Parts Specialist

Name Bill Rowe

Title Parts Specialist

Phone 613-962-5021 ext. 430

Richard Little

Service Manager

Name Richard Little

Title Service Manager

Phone 613-962-5021 ext. 290